Time : 5 : 23 min
Production : Blow up Arte / Camera Lucida
Editing design : Johanna Vaude
Original format : digital
Distributor : Blow Up Arte – Camera Lucida
Résumé : Un hommage aux magnifiques films de Jim Jarmusch…
Technique : Montage sonore et visuel à partir des films de Jim Jarmusch.
Infos : Jim Jarmusch par Johanna Vaude est une commande de Blow Up, l’actualité du cinéma (ou presque) sur Arte tv.

Synopsis : A tribute to Jim Jarmusch’s wonderful films…
Technique : Editing and sound work from films created by Jim Jarmusch.
To know more : Jim Jarmusch by Johanna Vaude is commissioned by Blow Up, the new cinema webzine on Arte tv.

« Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born,
Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.
Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night. »
Excerpt from « Auguries of Innocence » by William Blake